Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Setting List Analysis:

My whole short film shall mainly based around Gerrards Cross however I have also used the office where my Mum and Dad work at British Airways to film the oppening and ending scenes. I also used the Chikara centre at school for a couple of shots as well.

below are the following places that I used to film:

British Airways Office: I used both the office and the corridor just outside to film the spies walking up to and in the room to recieve their mission and their packages. I decided to use this office as it wasn't too big or small and was easy to hire out, but most importantly it had everything I needed to set the scene with the chairs and table and the outside corrider was really useful as it was quite narrow again giving me a lot of opportunities to film from different perspectives.

The Gerrards Cross High Street: I used the High Street to film the chase scene between the spies, where they where narrowly just missing each other and where the contents of the packages finally get revealed. I chose Gerrards Cross as it was easy to get to by everyone and because the ammount of streets and alley ways where realy useful to film in as again I had a choice of how and where I placed each shot.

Finally Gerrards Cross Train Station: This is where I filmed my western stand off scene with all spies, I decided to film here becuase it was the perfect setting to hold a western stand off as there where a variety of points for each of the spies to enter and it was an easier shot than expected to film because of the layout of the trainstation. Unfortunately I was not allowed to take my own photo of the trainstation

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