Thursday, July 15, 2010

Audience Research:

I have researched two different types of questions that I can use in my final questionnaire which I am going to ask the public about what they want from my short film, these two types are quantitate questions and qualitative questions. Quantitate questions which are more closed questions such as yes or no answers, where as qualitative questions are more open to the publics answer e.g. what is your favourite film and why?

Here Are My Two Questionnaires:


This is for when I was thinking about creating a horror film, however I changed my mind to an Action Western film.

My Updated questionnaire to do with Action/ Western films


Here is my updated questionnaire to do with Action/Western film

1. What have I learned about the two types of research and have i made progress?:

I have learned more about both quantative and qualitative types of research where quantative research assks more closed questions e.g. only 4 boxes to tick where as qualitative gives the audience a more open quiestion e.g. space to write they're answer. I believe that I have made progress as I am aware that I need to ask both types of quiestions in my quiestionnaire.

2. What where the objectives of the lessons in audience research?:

The objectives where to teach me the different types of quiestions that can be asked as well as testing my knowledge of them by making me create practise quiestionnaires preparing me to create my final quiestionnaire which i can go out and ask my target audience to help me with my short film.

3. How where the objectives different?

The objectives where different because the lessons contained the different types of quiestions that could be asked where one lesson was about quantative research and about what was effect about it to another lesson which was about qualitative research and how to ask open quiestions getting the audience to give more of an opinion.

4. Compare & contrast the two methods:

Both methods where individually unique, however I found that I could pretty much predict what answers the people who filled out the quantative survey would tick. Whereas the qualitative results did suprise me some answers slightly.

5. Relate to my secondary research:

This research method I know is reliable as I know that it cannot be bias as I am the person who asked people for their opinions and createdthe questionnaire so here can be no unfair results as I made sure to ask the same number of male and females. However secondary research is less reliable as I have no idea where it came from or who created it so the information could not be correct. I found a variety of information on the internet mostly coming from specialised websites for example websites that specialise in either creating or analysing short films.

6. Evaluate all methods of research:

Overall I have found that Primary research is deffinately the better and more reliable method of obtaining information as I know where the information has come from, however the secondary information has its use as well as most of the information I found came from proffessional critics or film makers. Overall i think i would probrably stick to primary research as i know that it is a hundred percent reliable and useable, thats not to say that secondary research won't be used at all, just not as much.

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