1. 10/10 people answered: gore
2. 7/10 people said moderately entertaining 1/10 said boring 2/10 said disgusting
3. 9/10 people said for a scare 1/10 said just for entertainment
4. 8/10 people said no 2/10 people said yes
5. 6/10 people said yes 4/10 people said no
6. 9/10 people said yes 1/10 said no
7. 10/10 people said yes
8. 10/10 people said yes
9. 8/10 people said yes higher budgets 2/10 said no direct to dvd can be just as good
10. 8/10 people said unsure 2/10 people said no
Positive: More reliable audience had to put their own opinions some answers i could not predict
Negative: some people where unsure on what answers to put.
Updated questionnaire results to do with Action/Western genre:
1. 10/10 answered "A final stand off"
2. 7/10 answered "Exciting"
3. 8/10 answered "For Entertainment"
4. 7/10 people said "No Different Plotlines And Characters"
5. 10/10 people answered "Yes famous Faces Are Better"
6. 8/10 people answered "Plot Twists Are A Good Idea, They Make The Story Interesting"
7. 9/10 people answered "Sound Is Important In An Action/Western Film
8. 10/10 people answered "Setting is Important"
9. 10/10 people answered "Yes Feature Action/Western Films Are Better"
10. 8/10 people answered "No The Action/Western genre Has Not Gone Downhill"
Positives: people are saying what I was expecting especially about sound and location, i just need to take all considerations into account when creating my short film.
Negatives: This questionnaire got a more diverse range of results and so I will have to take this all into consideration especially who my short film is aimed at.
Updated questionnaire results to do with Action/Western genre:
1. 10/10 answered "A final stand off"
2. 7/10 answered "Exciting"
3. 8/10 answered "For Entertainment"
4. 7/10 people said "No Different Plotlines And Characters"
5. 10/10 people answered "Yes famous Faces Are Better"
6. 8/10 people answered "Plot Twists Are A Good Idea, They Make The Story Interesting"
7. 9/10 people answered "Sound Is Important In An Action/Western Film
8. 10/10 people answered "Setting is Important"
9. 10/10 people answered "Yes Feature Action/Western Films Are Better"
10. 8/10 people answered "No The Action/Western genre Has Not Gone Downhill"
Positives: people are saying what I was expecting especially about sound and location, i just need to take all considerations into account when creating my short film.
Negatives: This questionnaire got a more diverse range of results and so I will have to take this all into consideration especially who my short film is aimed at.